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finds application in the infections fof the genital mucous membranes male and feminine, from candida albicans and from others microorganisms.

, in the woman it will could be applied initially 2 times to the day, the evening and the morning, until to the presence of the symptomatology. Once improved the clinical picture it will could be applied 1 time to the day. In short time will contribute to eliminate  the burning and it is the itch.

It will could be applied both to the outside, fork (large and small lips),and  inside, vaginal channel and on the anus.

in the man it will could be applied initially 2 times to the day, the evening and the morning, until to the presence of the symptomatology. Once improved the clinical picture it will could be applied 1 time to the day. In short time will contribute to eliminate  the burning and it is the itch. It will could be applied     both directly on the penis and on the anus.

is totally natural. Actually they aren't famous collateral effects. Can be to use in pregnancy. The integral formula has been communicated to the Ministry of the Health, according to the Italian and European enforced norms.

  da 40 gr

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